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Island Health
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Drinking Water Results

 Sun Sep 01 2024 00:15:36 GMT+0000 (Coordinated Universal Time)

All water suppliers in British Columbia are required to monitor water that reaches consumers for total coliform bacteria and Escherichia coli (E.coli) regularly. The monitoring is one part of a comprehensive approach to safe drinking water.

  • The presence of E. coli in a water sample indicates that bacteria capable of causing illness may be present in the water system. 
  • The presence of total coliform bacteria may indicate a breakdown in the treatment process, or growth in the distribution system. 

Acceptable Sample Results
The following results are considered acceptable for drinking water.
  • E. Coli
    • No E. Coli detectable per 100 ml of each water sample.
  • Coliform
    • If only one sample is taken in a 30-day period:
    • No detectable Coliform per 100 ml of water
    • If more than one sample is taken in a 30-day period:
    • At least 90% of samples will have no detectable Coliform per 100 ml of water, and 
    • No sample has more than 10 total Coliform per 100ml of water
Interpreting Sample Reports
In VIHA, the results of drinking water sampling are reported using the following coding system.
  • GTR200 ~ Greater than 200 background colonies on membrane filter per 100 ml of sample.
  • LT0 ~ Less than
  • LT1 ~ Less than 1
  • LT5 ~ Less than 5
  • LT10 ~ Less than 10
  • LT50 ~ Less than 50
  • LT100 ~ Less than 100
  • GRTR ~ Greater than
  • ESTCT ~ Estimated Count
  • ESTHCD ~ High colony density on membrane prevented accurate coliform count.
  • OGO ~ Overgrown.
  • OGCOL ~ Overgrown with coliform present.
  • OGECOL ~ Overgrown with E. coli present.
  • OVEREN ~ Overgrown with Enterococci present.
  • OGC ~ Result indicates confluent bacterial growth preventing accurate coliform determination. Re sample for MPN testing by indicating Previous Sample Overgrown.
  • PRELIM ~ Preliminary report
  • FINRPT ~ Final Report
  • REJCT ~ Sample rejected
  • LKS2 ~ Sample leaked in transit. Sample not processed. Please repeat collection.
  • HPCND ~ Heterotrophic plate count was not performed. Sample was not received on day of collection.
  • DELAY3 ~ Sample not tested too long in transit.
  • NRLABE ~ No result available due to laboratory error. Please recollect sample.
  • SANOTE ~ Sample not tested.
  • SAREF ~ Sample received frozen. Result may not be valid.
  • SAREPF ~ Sample received partially frozen. Result may not be valid.
  • EMPTY ~ Sample bottle received empty.
  • QRWRT ~ Sample exceeded 30 hours from time of collection, results may not be valid. No written report will be issued and only a qualitative result will be reported by telephone when test is completed.
  • DISR ~ Disregard previous reported results
  • MAMEND ~ Please note: An Amended Report
  • NSR ~ No sample received
  • OIE ~ Ordered in Error

Capital Regional District (CRD) owned and operated water supply systems sample results can be found at the following link:

List of Drinking Water Results
