1525 Blue Spruce Drive, Fort Collins CO 80524 | Visit Official Website (opens in a new tab)
Retail Food |
Observations & Corrective Actions
2: 2-102.12 (A) and (B) There is no evidence of a Certified Food Protection Manager being employed at the establishment at the time of the inspection.
->It is required that at least one employee that has supervisory and management responsibility and the authority to direct and control food preparation and service is a certified food protection manager. A copy of certification must be available on site for review.
*For a list of Certified Food Protection Manager training classes and exams, please visit: https://www.larimer.org/health/safety-sanitation-programs/food-safety-program/food-safety-resources/certified-food
*For a list of Certified Food Protection Manager training classes and exams in Spanish, please visit: https://www.larimer.org/sites/default/files/uploads/2018/lcdhe-cfpm_guidance_spanish.pdf
6: 2-401.11 Employee observed eating in the kitchen.
->Consumption of food within food preparation areas is not allowed.
*Employee relocated to eating in the dining room as requested.
10: 5-202.12 (A) Hand sink in the tortilla-making area closest to the hood observed with a beverage and sanitizer bucket in the basin.
->Handwashing sinks must be kept accessible for use at all times. Do not place or store items in, on, or in front of handwashing sinks.
Hot water was turned off at the hand washing sink in the service kitchen area.
->Hot water supplied to handwashing sinks must be at least 100 F. Adjust water heating system to provide the required 100 F water at the handwashing sinks.
Cold water handle observed missing at the hand sink in the bakery area.
->Hand sinks must be supplied with both hot and cold water. Please repair.
15: 3-302.11 (A) (1-2) Raw chorizo observed over ready-to eat salsa in the customer service reach in/walk in cooler.
Raw shell eggs observed over butter in the bakery reach in cooler.
->Keep raw animal foods separate and below produce, prepared foods and other ready-to-eat foods to prevent cross contamination.
22: 3-501.16 (A) (2) Eggs (48F) and cake batter with dairy (45F) measured improperly cold holding in the 2 door reach in cooler in the bakery area. Ambient temperature of the cooler measured 48F.
->Employee stated items were placed in the cooler within 3 hours. Items were relocated to functional coolers and a repair person was called at the time of the inspection.
->Adjust/repair refrigeration equipment to maintain foods at less than 41 F.
->Do not use refrigeration unit to store potentially hazardous foods until it has been adjusted/repaired to hold less than 41 F.
The following pastries containing dairy were observed kept at room temperature and measured in the 60-65F: baked cheese cake, and cheese and jalepeno. Items were kept at room temperature in the self service bakery area.
->Cold hold foods below 41 F to prevent the growth of microorganisms.
->Establishment is interested in using Time as a Public Health Control for bakery items containing dairy. Please be advised: To use time rather than temperature to control the growth of microorganisms, written procedures must be developed and utilized. The plan must indicate how the food will be marked when it is to be removed from temperature control, how long the food is to be held out of temperature, and must specify the food will be discarded once time has expired. Develop required written procedures for review.
->Foods must be marked with the time they are removed from temperature control or the time the product is to be discarded. Foods must be served or discarded within 4 hours.
->Maintain written procedures for time as a public health control in the establishment for review upon request.
*Owner stated pastries were taken out of temperature control 3 hours prior. Time as A Control was implemented for these items, and they must be discarded in an hour.
23: 3-501.17 Multiple ready-to-eat items packed for sale in the grocery section were not date marked.
->Ready-to-eat foods that are held refrigerated for more than 24 hours must be clearly marked with the date the product packaging is opened or the date the product is made. These foods must be consumed, sold, served or discarded within 7 days to control exposure to Listeria monocytogenes bacteria.
->Ready-to-eat foods that have exceeded 7 day date marking are to be discarded.
*For a printable educational handout about Date Marking Foods, please visit: https://www.larimer.org/sites/default/files/uploads/2017/lcdhe-date-marking-guidance.pdf
37: 3-602.11 (A), (B) (1-4) and (6-7) and (C) Multiple packaged items made in house in the grocery store did not bear product labels: examples include rice, salsa, and churritos
->Provide complete labels on products. Label must include: product name, list of ingredients (most predominant to least), name, address and phone number of establishment where product is made, and net weight/quantity statement.
51: 5-205.15 (B) Leak observed at the mop sink.
->Repair and maintain plumbing and fixtures to eliminate leak.