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Larimer County Department of Health and Environment
1525 Blue Spruce Drive, Fort Collins CO 80524 | Visit Official Website (opens in a new tab)

File a Complaint

We investigate all complaints when they are within our authority. Specific areas we are not able to investigate;

-This department does not complete inspections of rental properties for tenant/landlord issues.

-We do not inspect, test, or sample for mold or pest infestations in rental or privately owned properties. 

-Noise complaints within your neighborhood, loud music, or single events should be directed to non-emergency law enforcement in the area where they occur.  

For complaints dealing with private housing, Colorado's Warranty of Habitability requires landlords to maintain basic safety and health standards. Additional information on notifying your landlord about repairs you feel are necessary under Colorado's Warranty of Habitability is available from Colorado Legal Services.

Think you got sick from something you ate? Please use our Foodborne Illness Report 

Complaints may be submitted anonymously but it may impact our ability to follow-up on a complaint if we need additional details to complete an investigation. 

Thank you for submitting this information. If you have requested follow-up on your complaint and it is within our authority to investigate we may contact you directly to determine additional details.
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