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Virginia Department of Health
109 Governor Street Richmond, Virginia 23219 | Visit Official Website (opens in a new tab)


This website is the centralized place used to view health inspection results conducted by Environmental Health Specialists across Virginia. Inspection results can be found numerous ways, from searching for an individual establishment, to seeing the most recent inspections conducted over a specific time period, and more. Each Health District within the Virginia has its sub-site wherein to find the inspection results, each of which can be found on the District Sites page.

In the Commonwealth of Virginia, there are approximately 31,000 permitted food establishments, including restaurants, hospitals, mobile food units, nursing homes, and schools. Each of these establishments operate under the Board of Health Food Regulations. The standards set forth by these regulations are intended to protect the consumer from foodborne illness and provide a framework for the licensing and inspection of food establishments. Virginia Department of Health Environmental Health Specialists (EHSs) issue permits to operate food establishments once they meet the requirements of the Food Regulations. The EHS inspects food establishments at an interval based on the risk of the food processes conducted in the establishment and the food establishment’s compliance history. Risk Category 1 food establishments are inspected at least once a year typically only serve non-TCS foods (coffee shop, bakery, etc.) and Risk Category 4 establishments conduct complex food preparation processes are therefore inspected at least four times a year. During a regular inspection, the EHS discusses regulatory requirements with the operator, documents observations of violations of the Food Regulations as well as corrections the operator makes during the inspections. At the conclusion of each inspection, the operator receives a copy of the inspection report. These reports are what you are able to view here on this page.

The EHS conducts at least one routine inspection at every food establishment each year. Other inspections conducted to meet the frequency interval associated with the risk category of the food establishment may be Risk Factor inspections. Risk Factor inspections allow the EHS to focus their time on items in that food establishment with the greatest risk to food safety.

Below is a quick guide of how to utilize this site to find exactly what it is you are looking for and how to navigate the results.


Using the "Locate an establishment" search feature, you can enter any number of key words such as establishment name, street name and number, or zip code. You can enter any number of characters to find search results.  Using more specific terms such as "123 Test Ave" will yield more specific results than using broader search terms such as "123". Once you enter a search term, click "Search" to be redirected to the search results page.

Filter and browse

If you are not looking to view the results of a specific establishment, you can use a number of filters to find inspection results. You can search across specific dates, specific inspection purposes (e.g. the reason for the inspection) and others. Upon selecting a filter, the results will immediately appear below.

Navigating results

Whether you use a specific search term or utilize a specific set of filters, the search results will appear in the same format. Each establishment's name is listed in bold with the physical address and permit status listed below that. To the right of the establishment information (or directly below it if viewing on mobile) the most recent inspection information is displayed. Clicking the blue "View" button will direct you to the full results of that particular, most recent inspection.

Viewing an inspection

Each inspection page is formatted the same wherein the name of the establishment is displayed at the top, along with some further navigation. Below that you will see the type of permit and purpose of the inspection, along with the date of the inspection. The page is then broken into several sections, beginning with display of the Observations & Correct Actions entered by the Environmental Health Specialist. Below that are temperature observations made during the inspection. Finally, each observation is listed in a organized fashion wherein the establishment's compliance with a particular item is noted as to whether it was in compliance, out of compliance or another status.

Clicking the name of the establishment will redirect you to view the full inspection history of that particular establishment.  Above that link are a series of "breadcrumbs", or navigation links, to allow you to go back to any particular section of the site with a click.