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Rappahannock Area Health District
1320 Central Park Blvd, Suite 300, Fredericksburg, VA 22401 | Visit Official Website (opens in a new tab)

Denny's #9575

10360 Patriot Hwy Fredericksburg, VA 22408
Status: Permitted

Full Service Restaurant | Routine

August 23, 2023
Score & Grade: Grade:
Observations & Corrective Actions

5: 255 The person in charge could not provide written procedures for clean-up of vomiting and diarrheal events. Sample procedures provided during the inspection.
Corrective Actions: Provide a written plan for employees to follow when responding to a vomiting or diarrhea events with discharge of vomitus or fecal matter onto food surfaces that includes the procedures for cleaning and sanitizing affected areas, disposing of the discharge and contaminated food items, and protecting employees while they respond to a vomting or diarrheal event.

8: 140 Observed a food employee lather hands under running water, hands were not effectively cleaned due to soap being flushed down the drain. Discussed correct handwashing procedures and the employee washed their hands.
Corrective Actions: Food employees shall wash their hands and exposed portions of their arms by: 1) discarding used gloves; 2) rinsing under warm running water; 3) applying soap; 4) rubbing together for at least 10-15 seconds; 5) rinsing thoroughly under warm running water; and 6) drying with paper towels or air drying device.

8: 160 Observed an employee set up a sanitizer bucket and then proceed to touch lids at the hot holding station without washing their hands. Instructed employee to wash their hands.
Corrective Actions: Instruct food employees to clean their hands and exposed portions of their arms immediately before engaging in food preparation including working with exposed food, clean equipment and utensils, and unwrapped single-service and single-use articles and during food preparation, as often as necessary to remove soil and contamination and to prevent cross contamination when changing task.

16: 1780 (E) Through discussion with the operator the soda nozzles are soaked in soda water and sanitized, absence of a wash step. Instructed the operator to wash and sanitize soda nozzles.
Corrective Actions: surfaces of utensils and equipment contacting food that is not time/temperature control for safety food shall be cleaned any time when contamination may have occurred and Aa a frequency specified by the manufacturer or absent manufacturer specifications, at a frequency necessary to preclude accumulation of soil or mold. To include equipment such as ice bins and beverage dispensing nozzles and enclosed components of equipment such as ice makers, cooking oil storage tanks and distribution lines, beverage and syrup dispensing lines or tubes, coffee bean grinders, and water vending equipment.

16: 1790 Observed interior of two microwave ovens at the cook/prep line were soiled. The person in charge reported they were not used during breakfast service.
Corrective Actions: The cavities and door seals of microwave ovens shall be cleaned at least every 24 hours by using the manufacturer's recommended cleaning procedure.

22: 0820 (A2) Observed pancake batter, which is prepared with pasteurized liquid eggs, cold holding on top of prep cooler at the cook line at 45 degrees F. Observed the top of the container stored above the cold well line. The person in charge reported the pancake batter was pulled from the walk-in cooler at 8:00 a.m. Instructed the operator to cool to 41 degrees F, sell or discard by 12:00 p.m.
Corrective Actions: Cold hold time/temperature control for safety (TCS) food at 41°F or below to inhibit the growth of harmful bacteria.

23: 830 Observed five containers of macaroni and cheese which had a date sticker to discard the product on 6/25/2023. The person in charge reported the wrong date sticker was created and placed a new date sticker on the product.
Corrective Actions: Refrigerated, ready-to-eat, potentially hazardous foods (time/temperature control for safety food) that are prepared on site and held at 41°For below shall be clearly labeled and date marked with a "USE BY" not exceeding 7 TOTAL DAYS. If the food is held for only 24 hours, no date marking is required. For example, if foods like leftover soups, chili, tuna salad, potato salad, pasta salad, etc. are prepared on @DATE@ they shall be date marked with a "use by" date not exceeding @DATE@.

29: 0870 (B1,2,3,5,6)(D1,2a,f,g,h,3,4)(E2,3,4) Observed commercially cooked pot roast stored in sealed bags in a reduced oxygen environment (air removed from the packaging) with a 48 hour discard date and time of 8/23/2023 at 1:18 a.m. The facility is properly labeling the product for 48 hours. During the inspection the pot roast was discarded.
Corrective Actions: A HACCP plan is not required when a food establishment uses a reduced oxygen packaging method to package time/temperature control for safety food that is always: 1. Labeled with the production time and date; 2. Held at 41°F (5°C) or less during refrigerated storage; and 3. Removed from its packaging in the food establishment within 48 hours after packaging.

40: 240 Observed absence of adequate hair restraints by food employees.
Corrective Actions: Ensure all employees wear hair restraints such as hats, hair coverings or nets, beard restraints, and clothing that covers body hair, that are designed and worn to effectively keep their hair from contacting exposed food, clean equipment, utensils and linens, and unwrapped single-service and single-use articles. This section does not apply to food employees such as counter staff who only serve beverages and wrapped or packaged foods, hostesses, and wait staff if they present a minimal risk of contaminating exposed food; clean equipment, utensils, and linens; and unwrapped single-service and single-use articles.

47: 1550 Observed the front handsink by the cook line, vegetable prep sink and stainless-steel equipment by the hot wells are not sealed to the adjacent walls/equipment.
Corrective Actions: Seal equipment which is not easily movable if they are exposed to spillage or seepage

49: 1800 Observed accumulation of grime and debris on nonfood contact surfaces throughout the facility including shelving, interior and exterior of refrigeration equipment, cooking equipment including trap and suppression lines at the hood, and prewash sprayer. Recommend a deep and thorough cleaning.
Corrective Actions: Nonfood-contact surfaces of equipment shall be kept free of an accumulation of dust, dirt, food residue, and other debris.

51: 2260 Observed the following: 1- New convection oven which is connected to the water line in absence of a backflow preventor. The facility installed the equipment without contacting the health department. 2- Hose bibb vacuum breaker installed to a hose with spray nozzle, which had water flowing during the inspection, at the mop sink. Informed the operator a dual check valve with atmospheric vent is required in lieu of a hose bibb vacuum breaker (not designed for continuous pressure). The water was turned off during the inspection. Provided backflow handout during the inspection.
Corrective Actions: Provide the approved backflow or backsiphonage device for the specific application and type of device to prevent contamination of the drinking water system.

55: 3180 Observed floors, walls and plumbing in need of cleaning.
Corrective Actions: Clean the physical facilities at a frequency necessary to ensure the protection and safe preparation of food.

55: 3170 Observed the following in poor repair: Gaps in ceiling tiles around conduit cables, ceiling tiles not tight fitting to the frames, peeling/damaged ceiling tiles, cracked floor tiles by cookline and floor tiles in need of grouting in the back of the house.
Corrective Actions: Repair the physical facilities. Poor repair and maintenance compromises the functionality of the physical facilities.

56: 3200 Observed accumulation of debris on hood vents in the food establishment.
Corrective Actions: Maintain hood system vent filters in a clean condition.

Additional Comments

12VAC5-421-3750- Absence of signage informing guests inspection report is available upon request. Sample signage emailed to the operator.
Corrective Action: In order to retain a permit issued by the department, the permit holder shall notify customers that a copy of the most recent establishment inspection report is available upon request by posting a sign or placard in a location in the food establishment that is conspicuous to customers.

Discussed the following:
1. Relocate permit from the office to customer facing areas. Current permit expires 8/31/2023.
2. Clean exterior of dumpster.
3. Date and time labeling requirements for pot roast being stored in a reduced oxygen environment.
4. Increase lighting in toilet rooms.
5. Leak at filter behind the ice machine, significant drip is being caught by stainless steel pans. Instructed the operator to monitor and frequency dumping will be needed. A plumber has been contacted and is expected this afternoon.
6. Data plate is eroded on the dishwasher, contact technician to install a new one which is readable.
7. Storage of bowls not under shelving and utensils on wire shelving.
8. Cold holding storage of icing which is a TCS food based on ingredients.

Provide manufacturer specs for new convection oven connected to the water line.

Food Temperatures
Description Temperature State of Food
Icing - front prep cooler 37 °F Cold Holding
Packaged macaroni and cheese - small prep cooler 40 °F Cold Holding
Vanilla pudding - surface temperature - walk in cooler 37 °F Cold Holding
Raw steak - small prep cooler - surface temperature 41.6 °F Cold Holding
Cooked pepper/onions - drawer cooler 30 °F Cold Holding
Chili 185 °F Hot Holding
Shredded cheese - prep cooler top 42 °F Cold Holding
Macaroni and cheese - walk in cooler 40 °F Cold Holding
Cut lettuce - front prep cooler 38 °F Cold Holding
Pork sausage 167 °F Hot Holding
White gravy 155 °F Hot Holding
Precooked sausage - small prep cooler 40 °F Cold Holding
Raw hamburger patty - walk in cooler 31 °F Cold Holding
Milk - front prep cooler #2 - surface temperature 39 °F Cold Holding
Single portion of lasagne - walk in cooler 40 °F Cold Holding
Raw chorizo - drawer cooler 35 °F Cold Holding
Wheat pancake batter - small reach in cooler 41 °F Cold Holding
Pico - drawer cooler 35 °F Cold Holding
Hash browns - drawer cooler 41 °F Cold Holding
Canteloupe - front prep cooler 37 °F Cold Holding
Sliced tomatoes - prep cooler top 41 °F Cold Holding
Single use portion of cheesecake - surface temperature - reach in cooler 38.5 °F Cold Holding
Shell eggs - walk in cooler 39 °F Cold Holding
Shell eggs - small prep cooler 44 °F Cold Holding
No records found
Warewashing Temperatures
Machine Name Sanitization Method Thermo Label PPM Sanitizer Name Sanitizer Type Temperature
Wiping cloth - 3 vat area Chemicaldd 300 Clean Quick Quaternary Ammonium 83 °F
Dishwasher Chemical 100 Chlorine Chlorein 110 °F
Wiping cloth - cook line Chemical 200 Clean Quick Quaternary Ammonium 75 °F
No records found
Equipment Temperatures
Description Temperature
Reach in coole 37 °F
Walk in freezer 11 °F
Small reach in cooler 39 °F
Walk in cooler 40 °F
Prep cooler - top well only
Small prep cooler 40 °F
Front prep cooler 34 °F
Drawer freezer -1 °F
Ice cream freezer -9.9 °F
Drawer freezer - not in use 28 °F
Drawer cooler 36 °F
No records found
Demonstration of Knowledge
1 Person in charge present, demonstrates knowledge, and performs duties.
2 Certified Food Protection Manager
Employee Health
3 Management awareness, policy present.
4 Proper use of reporting, restriction & exclusion.
5 Procedures for responding to vomiting and diarrheal events
COS Violation
Good Hygenic Practices
6 Proper eating, tasting, drinking, or tobacco use.
7 No discharge from eyes, nose, and mouth.
Preventing Contamination by Hands (0 points)
8 Hands clean & properly washed.
COS Violation
8 Hands clean & properly washed.
COS Violation
9 No bare hand contact with RTE foods or approved alternate method properly followed.
10 Adequate handwashing facilities supplied & accessible.
Approved Source
11 Food obtained from approved source.
12 Food received at proper temperature.
13 Food in good condition, safe, & unadulterated.
14 Required records available: shellstock tags, parasite destruction.
Protection from Contamination
15 Food separated & protected.
16 Food-contact surfaces: cleaned & sanitized.
COS Violation
16 Food-contact surfaces: cleaned & sanitized.
17 Proper disposition of returned, previously served, reconditioned, & unsafe food.
TCS Food Time/Temperature
18 Proper cooking time & temperatures.
19 Proper reheating procedures for hot holding.
20 Proper cooling time & temperatures.
21 Proper hot holding temperatures.
22 Proper cold holding temperatures.
COS Repeat Violation
23 Proper date marking & disposition.
COS Violation
24 Time as a public health control: procedures & record.
Consumer Advisory
25 Consumer advisory provided for raw or undercooked foods.
Highly Susceptible Populations
26 Pasteurized foods used, prohibited foods not offered.
27 Food additives: approved & properly used.
28 Toxic substances properly identified, stored & used.
Conformance with Approved Procedures (0 points)
29 Compliance with variance, specialized process, & HACCP plan.
COS Violation
Prevention of Food Contamination (0 points)
40 Personal cleanliness.
Utensils, Equipment, and Vending (0 points)
47 Food & non-food contact surfaces cleanable, properly designed, constructed & used.
49 Non-food contact surfaces clean.
Repeat Violation
Physical Facilities (0 points)
51 Plumbing installed, proper backflow devices.
55 Physical facilities intalled, maintained & clean.
Repeat Violation
55 Physical facilities intalled, maintained & clean.
Repeat Violation
56 Adeq. ventilation & lighting, designated areas used.
Repeat Violation
Clean Air Act Compliance
99 Clean Air Act Compliance