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Adult Care Home Service | Follow-Up
Observations & Corrective Actions
48: 1520 48 OUT 1520 REPEAT Staff could not find thermolabels or a thermometer that can run through the high temp dish machine and hold the maximum temperature.
Corrective Actions: Correction: Discussed the need to have a thermolabels and/or an irreversible maximum registering temperature indictor for the high temperature dish machine. Management will obtain items by next Friday AM (7/19) for the high temp dish machine. New manager put in request to order this today. You can email inspector when this comes in with a picture of the item in your kitchen.
Additional Comments
Date marking looked better today. Discussed with new manager about pasteurized eggs already having a heat treatment as well as ensuring anyone that acts as a food handler to not have bracelets, watches, or rings with stones or grooves on.
Also discussed that with an HSP population, staff should stay out 48 hours after GI illness. Employee health guidance document will be emailed. QR Code copy of inspection available upon request poster will be emailed.