307 Alleghany Avenue Lynchburg, VA 24501 | Visit Official Website (opens in a new tab)
Fast Food | Routine
Observations & Corrective Actions
15: 470 The reach in cooler of the main kitchen line had several food items that were improperly stored to protect against cross-contamination based on allergn risk and final cooking temperature.
The facility had raw chicken stored over raw shrimp and or raw hamburger stored over fish.
Corrective Actions: At all times raw food item should always be stored in a manner that separates them, based on final cooking temperature and species. The hights final cooking temperature (165°F) shall be placed at the lowest point (poultry items), then mixed meat items ( 155°F), Whole muscle beef/pork (145°F), Fresh Fish or Seafood items (145°F) and then finally ready to eat food items or produce at the highest point.
Maintain separation to prevent potential cross-contamination at all times. Manager on site corrected cooler as recommended.
16: 1770 (A) The clean dish rack for air drying in the kitchen had several hotel pans and customer bowls soield with food residue and stagnat water.
Corrective Actions: Manager on site was directed to remove the dish items that were soiled and reclean them properly. All dishware and utensils must be free of food debris, residue or evidence of past service when put away clean. No food contact surface shall be soiled to sight or touch.
16: 1700 (1-5) (6a) (6b). The bar dish machine and the main kitchen dish machine both were only reading at 0ppm Chlorine after several run cycles. It appeared that the chemicals provided were expired or not effectively concentrating.
Corrective Actions: Recommend replacing the chemicals as needed if the chemicals are unable to provide the correct sanitizing concentration. Both dish machines will need to be repaired to provide the correct chemical sanitzing concentration on every run cycle.
Until the dish machine's are repaired the 3-compartment sink must be used as the final sanitzing step. The dish machines may be ran as a wash-rinse cycle but then they must be removed and soak for ~60 sec before placing to air dry for future service.
Owner understood the issue and will correct by follow up.
21: 0820 (A1) The facility had previously prepared meatloaf stored on top of the warming box in the main kitchen prep area. The meatloaf was removed from the walk-in cooler earlier during prep and left there to be used for the upcoming service. At the time of observation the meatloaf was holding at 87°F.
Corrective Actions: At no time shall any food product iuntended to be reserved to the public or any food item designated for hot holding be at any temperature below 135°F. The manager on site was directed to rapidly reheat the food product to be above 165°F for reheating and then they would be allowed to drop tempetaure to the desired range above 135°F.
They intend to only maintain the meatloaf as cold holding and then reheat to serve in the future.
22: 0820 (A2) The reach in cooler on the main grill line had noodles prepared the day prior holding at 47-50°F.
Corrective Actions: The noodles were discarded due to temperature abuse as recommended. In the future, it is recommended to check all food items for proper cold holding before covering. To ensure that the food items meet the proper cold holding temperature of 41°F they should be left uncovered and stored in a manner that can assist the rapid dissipation of heat in the cooler.
44: 1960 The facility had multiple food contact surfaces stored on the drying racks turned right side up which is forcing the dishware to collect and trap water. They items were also stack tightly together which prevents proper air drying.
Corrective Actions: All dishware shall be stored turned up side down and stacked in a manner that allows for the entire item to be air dried. Manager on site followed recommended action to reclean some items and allow other freshly clean items to be air dried before stacking.
55: 2790 The bar service area where the under counter dish machine is installed is not properly floored, as required. The flooring has been dug up to install the water line and waste drain system. This area is covered in old concrete debris, in a hole, which may create a trap for water, debris and other potential hazards. The flooring itself around this area is rough concrete and not smooth tile like the surrounding area.
The walk-in cooler had sustained new damage to the entry way where the tiling is breaking and the flooring underneath appears to have sustained water damage.
Corrective Actions: The area must be properly floored to create a smooth, durable and easily cleanable surface. Recommend filling in the hole, removing debris before hand, and then tiling the surrounding area to match at the bar dish machine.
The walk-in cooler flooring shall be retiled and the underlying base of the flooring should be repaired to create a sturdy and durable surface capable of handling the trials of daily food service operations.
All flooring shall be smooth, durable, and easily cleanable.
55: 3180 The general facility of the kitchen areas and bar areas are in need of extra cleaning. The bar area around the dish machine has collected a large trap of food debris and trash.
The walk-in cooler has collected some food debris and soilage around the wall to floor junction. In the prep cooler line the walls around the hot wells are in need of extra cleaning.
Corrective Actions: Clean the facility to remove all food debris, trash, and any food residue on the surfaces of floors, walls, and equipment.
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Food Temperatures
Description | Temperature | State of Food |
Shrimp | 42 °F | Cold Holding |
Slided Tomato | 41 °F | Cold Holding |
Mac n Cheese | 156 °F | Hot Holding |
Noodles | 50 °F | Cold Holding |
BBQ Suace | 40 °F | Cold Holding |
Meatloaf | 87 °F | Hot Holding |
Mash Potato | 164 °F | Hot Holding |
Warewashing Temperatures
Machine Name | Sanitization Method | Thermo Label | PPM | Sanitizer Name | Sanitizer Type | Temperature |
3-Compartment Sink | Chemical | 50 | Chlorine | |||
Dish Machine | Chemical | 0 | Chlorine | |||
Bar Dish Machine | Chemical | 0 | Chlorine |
Equipment Temperatures
Description | Temperature |
Prep Unit | 40 °F |
Single Door Cooler | 39 °F |
Walk-in Cooler | 38 °F |
Reach in freezer | 12 °F |