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Central Virginia Health District
307 Alleghany Avenue Lynchburg, VA 24501 | Visit Official Website (opens in a new tab)

BeeBee's Spot Lynchburg

6113 Fort Avenue Lynchburg, VA 24501
Status: Permitted

Fast Food | Follow-Up

December 8, 2023
Score & Grade: Grade:
Observations & Corrective Actions

51: 2350 (ii) The 3-compartment sink had the drain pi[pe disconnected from the exterior grease trap, allowing water to flow onto the floor. The main dish machine has a leak in the water supply line to the machine which may be due to a loose connection at the top of the machine.
Corrective Actions: Repair the plumbing system for both of these items to allow for uninterrupted service for the warewashing equipment. The dish machine must operate without leaking to ensure that the system functions as intended. The 3-compartment sink must be properly connected to allow all waste water from the operation to flow, as intended, through the waste line without spilling ontop the floor. Maintain the system in good repair as required.

51: 2200 The bar area dish machine is working properly but it is direct connected to the drain port. No air gap is installed.
Corrective Actions: An air gap must be install at the exit point of the dish machine to prevent backflow syphonage of water from occuring. Failure to install an air gap may lead to contamination of food contact surfaces, disrupt water service, and create a debris hazard in the drain line system which may create a health hazard in the service area.

53: 2660 The restrooms do not have waste reseptacles as required.
Corrective Actions: Owners have purchased the waste bins but they have no arrived yet. Ensure that each restroom has a receptacle by soft opening date.

55: 2790 The bar service area where the under counter dish machine is installed is not properly floored, as required. The flooring has been dug up to install the water line and waste drain system. This area is covered in old concrete debris, in a hole, which may create a trap for water, debris and other potential hazards. The flooring itself around this area is rough concrete and not smooth tile like the surrounding area.
Corrective Actions: The area must be properly floored to create a smooth, durable and easily cleanable surface. Recommend filling in the hole, removing debris before hand, and then tiling the surrounding area to match.

55: 2870 The facuet backdrop in the service sink area is exposed wood from the new install.
Corrective Actions: The wall surface of the service sink area must be sealed with an approved surface that prevents contaminates or growth from building up on the surface. The wall surface must be smooth, durable and easily cleanable such as FRP board or other approved material.

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Food Temperatures
Description Temperature State of Food
No records found
Warewashing Temperatures
Machine Name Sanitization Method Thermo Label PPM Sanitizer Name Sanitizer Type Temperature
No records found
Equipment Temperatures
Description Temperature
No records found
Physical Facilities (0 points)
51 Plumbing installed, proper backflow devices.
51 Plumbing installed, proper backflow devices.
53 Toilet facilities: constructed, supplied, clean.
55 Physical facilities intalled, maintained & clean.
55 Physical facilities intalled, maintained & clean.