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Central Virginia Health District
307 Alleghany Avenue Lynchburg, VA 24501 | Visit Official Website (opens in a new tab)

Texas Inn Cornerstone

110 Cornerstone Street Lynchburg, VA 24502
Status: Permitted

Fast Food | Follow-Up

May 29, 2024
Score & Grade: 0 Grade:
Observations & Corrective Actions

15: 0580 (A) 580A CORRECTED Single-use gloves were worn during multi-tasked food preparation. Specifically, employees were observed wearing gloves and handling multiple cooler doors or bun warmer doors; touching a fork and the side of a small bowl use multiple times to whip up raw in-shell eggs prior to cooking (side of egg can contain raw egg) ; wiping hands on their apron, clothing, or hat; and touching wet wipe rags that have chemicals on them, etc. and then continuing to handle ready-to-foods (bread) for customer's orders.
Corrective Actions: Once you touch non food contact surfaces, you should change gloves. You could have tongs or spoons in the food items such as buns, cheese, etc. to decrease the need for gloves and prevent this cross-contamination risk. Wash hands before putting gloves on and between changing gloves. Also, do not wear the same gloves while wiping with a sanitizer rag and then immediately go touch a ready-to-eat bun. Gloves are for single-use for a task. Gloves must be changed when they become contaminated and cracking raw in-shell eggs does create the need for a lot of handwashing to prevent foodborne illness. Corrected by talking to staff -- management will discuss food safety and proper glove usage and hand washing with cooks as well as monitor the cooks. There needs to be active managerial control.

15: 470 15 OUT 470 REPEAT CORRECTED In shell raw eggs were being stored above & beside ready-to eat foods (cheese, slaw, relish, etc.) in the 2-dr undercounter cooler near the grill.
Corrective Actions: Correction: To prevent cross-contamination, store in-shell raw eggs, raw meat, or other raw foods below ready-to-eat (RTE) foods. After the inspector showed this to the cook and explained cross contamination (if a raw egg was to break & drip onto the other food or packaging holding other food), the cook said he would move the eggs to correct the issue. ALWAYS Store ready-to-eat foods above raw foods to avoid cross-contamination. Eggs can contain Salmonella.

24: 0850 (B) (C1, 2, 4) #24 OUT 850 REPEAT This food establishment is using TPHC (time as a public control) but does not have an effective mechanism for indicating what time foods are removed from temperature control, 4 hours discard time, or written procedures for using time for the in-shell eggs or the store-made relish sitting at room temperature beside the grill. Foods that use time, rather than temperature, as the control were not labeled with any discard time . Items were marked with a date this morning but no times to indicate when the items were moved from temperature control and when it should be discarded.
Corrective Actions: Correction: Create a written time as a public health control procedures & keep records/markings on the food (container of in-shell egg & relish). The manager still could not find any TPHC written plan today and a new one has not been written. Unmarked items stored outside of temperature control with no time markings are supposed to be discarded per 850. After discussion with the cook the items had been out of temperature control for about 3 hours and markings were put on the containers. Manager and staff will be re-educated on markings and the time as a public health control plan as the inspector will be looking for this and the written plan at the follow up next month. A handout on using time as a public health control was left last week and will be emailed again.

25: 930 25 OUT 930 REPEAT Eggs are cooked to order (not always fully cooked) and several over easy and over medium eggs were cooked during last weeks inspection with runny yolks, but there was not a proper consumer advisory on the printed menus located near the condiment bottles, salt/pepper, and napkin holders where consumers sit nor or the menu board . There is no asterisk on the menu or on the menu board. The printed menu does state "Consuming raw or undercooked foods may increase your risk of food borne illness. The Government makes us put this stupid statement on our menu even though we would never, ever serve a raw or undercooked hamburger. Sheesh" However, partially raw / undercooked raw are actually being served to customers.
Corrective Actions: Correction: There must be both a disclosure AND a reminder statement on the menu for the consumer advisory in regards to animal products that are served raw/undercooked. Describe all food served under cooked such as eggs* (cooked to order) and have an asterisk to refer customers to the disclosure statement (consuming raw or undercooked ____ may increase your risk of foodborne illness, especially if you have certain medical conditions). OR eggs* on the menu with an asterisk (*) and refer customers to the disclosure statement/footnote that states that the items are served raw or undercooked, or contain (or may contain) raw or undercooked ingredients. Consuming raw or undercooked meats, poultry, seafood, shellfish, or eggs may increase your risk of foodborne illness Please correct and update your menu & menu board since you do in fact serve undercooked foods to customers. The handout on consumer advisory has been left and emailed multiple times over the years. Per discussion today, the owner is working on new menus and this will be fixed on the menu board, online menu, and printed menu in the next thirty (30) days.

29: 0870 (B1,2,3,5,6)(D1,2a,f,g,h,3,4)(E2,3,4) 870 OUT A HACCP plan has been implemented by the food establishment for the Reduced Oxygen Packaging of raw ground beef (hamburger patties). However, even after discussions last week there is still no copy of the HACCP plan at the food facility; it is clear the new managers and staff have not been trained on the HACCP plan, there are no marking on the ROP (reduced oxygen packed) hamburger in the Goldbelly chest freezer, and there is no log or chart to show the temperature of the chest freezer or items in the chest freezer are being monitored, etc. Despite talking about this at the inspection & sending a follow up email concerning this last week this still has not been addressed.
Corrective Actions: A food establishment may package the raw ground beef using a reduced oxygen packaging method without obtaining a variance if it: Has a HACCP plan that contains the information specified in 12 VAC5-421-870. Please have a copy of the HACCP plan, train your staff that are at the store, label the ROP raw beef patties, monitor the temperature of the chest freezer, etc. You need to know your own HACCP plan and follow it since the general manager is only onsite about once a week. You must have someone trained in the food safety aspects of ROP and the requirements of your HACCP if you want to keep doing this. This will be addressed within the next week OR you need to cease ROP operation.

41: 570 570 CORRECTED, REPEAT Observed wet in-use wiping clothes at the grill area not being stored in chemical sanitizer solution in between usage . This was observed both at the start & later on during the inspection. At the end of the inspection, observed a used wet rag on top of the 2-dr undercounter cooler near the fryer.
Corrective Actions: Wiping cloths once used need to be stored in chemical sanitizing solution in between cleaning to prevent microbial growth. Allowing a wet or used wipe rag to sit out and then use it again could actually contaminate surface. This was corrected by putting the wet, dirty wipe rags into the already made sanitizer bucket. The manager will have active managerial control and re-train staff on using / storing wipe rags.

44: 2000 (A) (B) (D) 2000 OUT REPEAT CORRECTED Single Service food contact items (plastic tops and containers) were observed stored unprotected at the upstairs unfinished areas as the open boxes with exposed items were store on the floor and under exposed insulation in the unfinished area.
Corrective Actions: Single-service and single-use articles shall be stored as specified under section (A) of this section and shall be kept in the original protective package or stored by using other means that afford protection until used. Clean equipment and multiuse utensils which have been cleaned and sanitized, laundered linens, and single-service and single-use articles can become contaminated before their intended use in a variety of ways such as through water leakage, pest infestation, or other insanitary condition. The manager and staff worked to move these items to the large finished storage room during today's inspection when it was pointed out that this violation still had not been addressed.

Additional Comments

Several violations noted during the inspection last week had still not been addressed. Another inspection will occur this summer (in a few weeks) to follow up on the repeat issues to give management time to address all of the issues and train staff on food safety issues such as hand washing, preventing cross contamination, when to change single-use gloves, using the ROP packaging for raw ground beef for the HACCP plan, etc. Recommend food safety training on glove usage and cross-contamination for all cooks and management to work with the cooks on this as well.

After last week's inspection, an email was sent with the VA Food Regulations for duties of the person in charge (70) as well as responsibilities of the food permit holder (3750). Please read these and be familiar with what is expected at a food facility to help prevent food borne illness to your customers. Reminded staff via email last week "Also ensure you have a copy of and are familiar with the procedures for GoldBelly orders (especially for the ROP ,reduced oxygen packaging, for the ground beef) that are shipped."

Again today reviewed the following : date marking (any store-made food stored under refrigeration such as relish, must be used or discarded within seven (7) days and day 1 is the day you make it); handwashing & glove usage; preventing cross contamination with cracking raw in-shell eggs and cooking ground beef (hamburger) from a raw state; that if you keep putting buns directly on the silver surface in front of the grill it needs to be cleaned as a food contact surface (wash, rinse, sanitize -- wiping it off solely with a sanitizer wipe rag every 20-30 minutes is not enough AND it needs to air dry from the sanitizer vs immediately putting a ready-to bun on it 30 seconds after being wiped with sanitizer) & cleaned whenever raw eggs contaminate the surface.

Food Temperatures
Description Temperature State of Food
cooked hamburger on the grill 137 °F Hot Holding
No records found
Warewashing Temperatures
Machine Name Sanitization Method Thermo Label PPM Sanitizer Name Sanitizer Type Temperature
No records found
Equipment Temperatures
Description Temperature
No records found
Protection from Contamination (0 points)
15 Food separated & protected.
COS Violation
15 Food separated & protected.
COS Repeat Violation
TCS Food Time/Temperature (0 points)
24 Time as a public health control: procedures & record.
Repeat Violation
Consumer Advisory (0 points)
25 Consumer advisory provided for raw or undercooked foods.
Repeat Violation
Conformance with Approved Procedures (0 points)
29 Compliance with variance, specialized process, & HACCP plan.
Prevention of Food Contamination (0 points)
41 Wiping cloths: properly used & stored.
COS Repeat Violation
Proper Use of Utensils (0 points)
44 Utensils, equip. & linens: stored, dried, handled.
COS Repeat Violation