710 James Robertson Parkway Nashville, TN 37243 | Visit Official Website (opens in a new tab)
615 District
Food Service Establishment Inspection | Routine
Observations & Corrective Actions
1: Active managerial contol is needed due to high number of priority item violations.
6: Observed Employee go from food prep to clean dishes without washing hands and using the same gloves. Observed server enter kitchen without washing hands, put on gloves, and go to the wic to prepare rte foods.
11: Observed an open package of raw ground turkey in the wic barely covered with aluminum foil and was extremely discolored.
14: Observed 0ppm cl reading from the dish machine. Ran it again and also observed that it was not dispensing sanitizer during the cycle.
Cos: employee switched the old containe with a new one, the machine was primed and after a cycle was reading 50ppm cl.
20: Observed in the ric: raw fish and burger patties around 45-46°f and raw chicken at 72°f. Employee stated that all items were taken from the wic this morning around 9:30am, put on ice, and then put in the ricnd had not bee out since. Employee stated the raw chicken was frozen and had been under running water before placed in the ric. Cos by embargoing items above 41°f.
Observed in wic: rte and raw foods temping 51°f and above, and their hanging thermometer stated it was 41°f so i left my digital thermometer in the wic for 15-25 minutes while I continued the inspection. During this time i also discussed with employee and pic what foods where out of The wic today for food prep - pic stated that all food requiring cold holding was in the fridge since it was made and that all cold food stays in the wic until it is needed, then they bring a seperated container in the wic, portion out what they need and that the large containers do not leave the wic. I checked my thermometer and it read 51°f. Pic unaware the temperature of the wic was not correct. Cos by embargoing all tcs foods abover 41°f
Raw chicken wings: 20lbs
Raw burger patties: 5lbs
Raw fish: 8lbs.
Raw hamburger meat: 120lbs,
Raw chicken: 400lbs
Raw ground turkey: 4lbs
Raw lobster tail: 5lbs
Raw liver: 5lbs
Raw gizzards: 5lbs
Rte Meat loaf: 10lbs
Rte ox tail: 15lbs
21: Observed inconsistent date marking in the wic were some items had two different dates for the two items. Rte ox tail, meatloaf, and collard greens had a label for 8/29 on the side and 8/31 on the top
Cos by discarding.
34: Thermometer in the wic was inaccurate x observed it showing approximately 41°f while my digital thermometer stayed at 51°f for 30minutes.
36: Observed live cockroaches under the dishmachine and were also inside the cap to the sanitizer - ran out of the cap/bottle when it was uncapped to change bottles.
Observed gnats around the dish area as well.
37: Observed sealed raw chicken above rte foods in the wic - rte foods loosly covered with aluminum foil.
Observed a damaged ceiling tile above the steam well station xexposing pipei g and insulation above the food.
44: Observed multiple employees use the same gloves between tasks and putting on gloves, opening the wic, and then preparing rte foods.
47: Observed standing water at the bottom of the ric. Observed exsevice debris buildup in the side of equipment and the walls around cooking equipment.
49: Observed a hose hooked up in the dish area lacking theproper backflow device
51: No paper towels in the employee bathroom
53: Multiple damaged and milling floor tiles throughout the kitchen, airvents with dust, holes in ceiling above food line and in storage areas, excessive ice build up in the wif.
Additional Comments
Priority item 20 has been noted on 3 consecutive inspections, will request the proper paperwork and warning letters. Will also resend via email all fact sheets and a food safety plan. I left me card with the pic and let her know i am available to answer any questions and provide assistance with food safety.
Will return sometime within 10 days to follow up on priority violations 1,6,11,14,20,and 21