710 James Robertson Parkway Nashville, TN 37243 | Visit Official Website (opens in a new tab)
Senor fajitas
Food Service Establishment Inspection | Routine
Observations & Corrective Actions
1: PIC is not maintaining active control over food borne illness risk factors. Multiple repeat violations occurring at establishment.
6: Observed employee washing hands at 3 comp sink without using soap. Spoke with PIC about only using hand sinks for hand washing with proper supplies.
7: Observed employee topping ready to eat plate with cheese with bare hands. COS. Plate embargoed. Utensils replaced at prep unit to prevent bare hand contact. Spoke with PIC about no bare hand contact with ready to eat foods.
8: Hand sink missing paper towels in kitchen and at waitress station. COS. Hand sinks stocked during inspection.
13: Raw shell eggs stored over ready to eat products in RIC. COS. Raw shell eggs moved to proper location. To send over informational text.
18: Multiple large pans of carnitas, refried beans, rice temped 49-75° had been cooling since day prior. Items did not reach time and temperature parameters. Spoke with PIC about proper cooling procedures. To send over informational text. All items embargoed (apx 100-120 lbs).
Suggestion for ice baths, ice wands, use of freezers to assist in cooling.
20: Pico made day prior temped 50° in cooler. Pico is likely elevated due to the multiple large batches of dense products cooling in cooler. Non TCS items in unit elevated. Pico embargoed. (Other noticeable TCS items were elevated but in time and temp parameters for cooling).
21: Date marking missing on all prepared items in coolers throughout establishment. Date marking is to be applied to all bulk cooked and cooled, sliced, and prepped products with a 7-day window to use product. Spoke with PIC about date marking requirements.
26: Unlabeled chemical bottles located in kitchen. Label all chemical bottles once removed from original packaging.
34: Thermometer broken in main reach in cooler in kitchen, internal thermometers missing from other units.
36: Multiple flies located in stock room.
37: Food products on floor upon arrival to inspection. Do not store food products on floor.
37: Phone, drinks stored on prep counters. Store all personal items in a way to prevent contamination.
37: Employee beverage stored in cooler over ready to eat products.
39: Wiping cloths stored in sani bucket with no sanitizer present. Store all wiping cloths in sani buckets with at least 50 ppm chlorine.
51: Hand washing reminder sign missing from restroom.
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