710 James Robertson Parkway Nashville, TN 37243 | Visit Official Website (opens in a new tab)
Clarion Inn and Suites Indoor Pool
Public Swimming Pools | Complaint
Observations & Corrective Actions
Additional Comments
Closed pool due to excessive turbidity. Unable to see main drain grates from the edge of the pool. Lock pool gates and post pool and whirlpool closed sign on pool gates. Email or call Christie Graves when ready for inspection to reopen the pool. Do not open pool or whirlpool until reinspected by the State of Tennessee Health Departmentt. Discussed complaint with manager about water backing up through floor drains onto pool deck when it rains. Manager stated that he had not observed or seen this happen. Discussed that if this should occur, the pool must be closed until there is a permanent fix and the floor drains are not backing up. At the time of inspection I did not observe standing water on the pool deck from floor drains backing up. See photos.