710 James Robertson Parkway Nashville, TN 37243 | Visit Official Website (opens in a new tab)
Public Swimming Pools | Routine
Observations & Corrective Actions
6: The flow rate indicator is stuck. Pool deck and interior surface are dirty. Interior surface has some stains.
*16: The shepherd’s crook is not attached to the pole. (Corrected during the inspection.)
*17: The required “No Diving” sign, with 4” letters minimum, is no longer posted inside the pool area.
25: Algae on the pool deck.
34: Most current inspection report is not posted.
Additional Comments
A complaint was received by the Metro Public Health Department which states that the pool has a mold problem around the pool and on the dome covering. A complete inspection was done. Algae is present around the pool. There are black spots on the dome, but it is unknown if it is on the inside or the outside of the dome.
Lifeguards: Walter Fletcher 5/12/24; Bella Robinson 5/27/25