710 James Robertson Parkway Nashville, TN 37243 | Visit Official Website (opens in a new tab)
Sushi & Pho 88
Food Service Establishment Inspection | Routine
Observations & Corrective Actions
1: PIC does not have complete managerial control over the food staff or food safety processes. This lack of control is evident in the violations recorded for cold holding, hand washing, date marking, and Time as a Public Health Control policy requirements.
Corrective Action: during the follow-up inspection, improvement in the food handling processes displayed by the staff and management will be observed
It was suggested that cooler logs be implemented, and food regulation documents will be provided to the PIC for use among the kitchen staff
6: Observed employee wash their hands with their gloves on after preparing raw chicken then moving on to prep food at the grill top
Corrective Action: trained employee
8: The hot water at the kitchen hand sink dows not stay hot or reach the minimum requirement of 100F; the water only reached 85F
Corrective Action: a 24 hour notice was issued for the hot water
11: Observed green mold on a cut pear inside Low Boy Cooler 1
Corrective Action: embargo the pear
20: Ambient temperature of sushi Low Boy Cooler is 47F
Corrective Action: moved all sushi fish that was prepared 2 hours ago into a working cooler
Corrective Action: PIC placed a work order for this Low Boy Cooler, and no TCS food should be stored in it until it is holding at 41F
20: Ambient temp of Low Boy Cooler 1 is 54F
Hard boiled eggs temped at 52F
Corrective Action: embargo the hard boiled eggs and the rest of the TCS food in the cooler, as it has all been stored inside for more than 4 hours
Corrective Action: embargo 10 lbs of raw shelled eggs, boiled eggs, dumplings, and leafy greens
Corrective Action: PIC placed a work order for the Low Boy Cooler and a follow-up is required within 10 days
21: Observed a carton of liquid eggs in Low Boy Cooler with a best by date of 4/2; today is 4/9
Corrective Action: embargo 1 carton
22: Time as a Public Health Control is used for the sushi rice and states that a time and temp log will be used for the sushi rice; PIC has not been keeping the time and temp logs for the rice
Corrective Action: trained PIC on how to record the logs, PIC recorded the current batch on a time log, and these logs will be checked during the follow-up inspection
26: Observed an unlabeled chemical bottle at the front register area containing purple liquid
Corrective Action: PIC labeled the bottle
33: Observed a package of frozen hamachi thawing at room temp in a sealed package at the sushi bar
49: Observed a freshwater leak from the hose connected to the faucet at the 3 Compartment Sink
52: Observed excessive amount of carboard debris present at the dumpster area
53: Observed excessive grease drips on the oven hood and vents
Additional Comments
Garage doors in front of the sushi bar remained open throughout the inspection. Pest control regulations were discussed with PIC.