710 James Robertson Parkway Nashville, TN 37243 | Visit Official Website (opens in a new tab)
Windsor Downs Apts. Pool
Public Swimming Pools | Routine
Observations & Corrective Actions
*21: 0 ppm of free available chlorine. Used DPT test kit and precision chlorine test paper to verify the presence of free available and total chlorine. Pool was closed and will remain closed until re-inspected by this Department. A warning letter will be requested due to two consecutive violations for the absence of free available chlorine.
26: Black debris accumulated around main drains.
27: Water level is above the midpoint of the skimmer throat.
Additional Comments
Pool was tested using a DPT test kit and yielded a reading of 0 ppm for free available chlorine. Precision chlorine test kits were used to verify the presence of total chlorine and the reading was 0 ppm. The pool was closed and will remain closed until re-inspected by this Department. In addition, a warning letter will be requested due to two consecutive critical violations of the absence of free available chlorine.
Email: waldron50@comcast.net