710 James Robertson Parkway Nashville, TN 37243 | Visit Official Website (opens in a new tab)
Kingsbury HOA
Public Swimming Pools | Routine
Observations & Corrective Actions
*8: Spray bottle with orange liquid inside - label has faded and is stored next to toilet tissue. A follow up inspection will be performed within 10 days to verify compliance of this critical item violation.
*8: Bucket of chlorine pucks not covered in pump room. A follow up inspection will be performed within 10 days to verify compliance of this critical item violation.
*16: Ring buoy is fraying - Replace with required ring buoy. A follow up inspection will be performed within 10 days to verify compliance of this critical item violation.
*16: Hook is not attached to the pole for Shepards Crook. A follow up inspection will be performed within 10 days to verify compliance of this critical item violation.
22: Free available chlorine too high.
Additional Comments
Permit posted. A follow up inspection will be performed within 10 days to verify compliance of all critical item violations. Emergency phone goes directly to 911, however it shows up at dispatch as a cell phone and not the location of the pool.