6: Employee observed handling raw poultry, changing gloves, and handling ready to eat buns without washing hands.
CA: proper hand washing discussed.
11: Can of tomato paste in prep area Low-boy cooler with visual spoilage.
CA: embargo.
14: Low-temperature dish washer reading 0ppm chlorine.
CA: 3-compartment sink set up and reading 50ppm chlorine.
20: Coleslaw in ice table at expo station reading 45°F.
CA: moved to expo two-door Reach in cooler.
20: Carton of half and half on roll cart in prep area reading 49°F.
CA: moved to prep area Low-boy cooler, and discussed reducing the length of time potentially hazardous food is exposed to ambient temperatures.
21: Sausage gravy, alfredo sauce, and cooked collard greens in Walk in cooler held in excess of 7 days.
CA: embargo.
21: 2 half gallon containers of bittermilk in prep area Low-boy cooler opened over 24 hours prior not date marked.
CA: date marked.
34: No visible thermometer in salad Preptable-cooler.
34: No visible thermometer in prep area Low-boy cooler.
34: No visible thermometer is pantry Preptable-cooler.
35: 2 unlabeled ingredient bins - one containing a white powder, and one containing a beige powder - under prep table in back prep area.
37: Employee personal bags and clothing stored on ingredient bins and on shelf in back prep area.
37: Scoop handle touching product in middle ingredient bin in back prep area.
37: Employee drink in bottle with screw top capnstored on top of shelf above prep table in back prep area.