710 James Robertson Parkway Nashville, TN 37243 | Visit Official Website (opens in a new tab)
Mas Amigos
Food Service Establishment Inspection | Routine
Observations & Corrective Actions
6: Employee observed rinsing hands with gloves on at 3 compartment sink. Corrective action - gloves must be removed and only a hand sink must be used to wash hands. Corrective action - Person In Charge to retrain employee
20: Buttermilk at 62°F in window seal. Corrective action - pic embargoed 1lb.
21: Chicken taquitos in prep cooler date marked good until 4/18/24. It is now 4/25/24 and is past the allowed hold. Corrective action - Person In Charge embargoed 2lbs.
21: Several containers of Mac and cheese date marked 4/17/24 in prep cooler . Corrective action - Person In Charge embargoed 5 lbs.
23: Ceviche prepared at restaurants using raw shrimp and lime juice. Consumer advisory on menu but indicator for ceviche is not present. Indicator required. Follow up within 10 days.
27: Establishment has several packages of vacuum sealed raw and cooked foods. Haccp was discussed at last full inspection but was never completed. Corrective action - all cooked foods and all tcs foods vacuum sealed were cut open and embargoed. Embargoed 200 lbs of cooked beef, cut tomatoes, pico, and guacamole with tomato .
35: Container of white substance not labeled next to microwave
37: Covered bowl of masa stored next to handsink on window edge. Food mast be stored at least 18” away from sink.
53: Floor tile damaged by front handsink
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