710 James Robertson Parkway Nashville, TN 37243 | Visit Official Website (opens in a new tab)
Food Service Establishment Inspection | Routine
Observations & Corrective Actions
1: 1200-23-01-.02(1)(c) The grease trap is clogged and waste water is not draining from the 3 compartment sink and hand washing sink. An imminent health hazard has been created because employees have no means to wash their hands and wash, rinse, and sanitize their dishes. Corrective Action: PIC closed establishment until grease trap has been emptied.
6: 1200-23-01-.02(3)(a) After touching grease trap, employee attempted to wash his hands without taking off gloves. Corrective Action: Employee was trained and took off his gloves before washing his hands.
8: 1200-23-01-.05(2)(e)1.(i) Metal container with opaque liquid stored in hand washing sink. Corrective Action: PIC removed container from hand washing sink.
13: 1200-23-01-.03(3)(b)1. Container of raw shelled eggs stored directly on shaved zucchini in prep cooler 1. Corrective Action: PIC was trained and moved eggs to the bottom shelf.
14: 1200-23-01-.04(6)(a)1. When asked how the establishment washes its dishes, Employee explained that dishes were washed, rinsed, dried in the 3rd compartment, then taken into the commissary dish washing area. Corrective Action: Employee was trained how to wash, rinse, and sanitize dishes using the 3 compartment sink.
26: 1200-23-01-.07(2)(a) Chemical spray bottle of degreaser is stored on prep counter beside cut onions. Corrective Action: PIC removed chemical from prep surface.
36: 1200-23-01-.05(5)(k) Front door is left propped open. Window screen has been left raised for longer than 15 minutes. Additionally, window screen is severely damaged. Deceased fly body observed in prep cooler 1.
37: 1200-23-01-.03(3)(b)1. Personal phone and personal drink stored on prep counter.
42: 1200-23-01-.04(9)(c)1. Excessive food debris on tongs left on grill.
43: 1200-23-01-.04(9)(c)1. Single-service forks and knives are not stored inverted. To-go containers stored on floor in front of warmer.
45: 1200-23-01-.04(1) Excessively deep cut marks on cutting board on prep counter.
50: 1200-23-01-.05(4)(c) Wastewater from hand washing sink observed pooling into 3 compartment sink. Grease trap has accumulated excessive amounts of grease. Corrective Action: PIC cleaned grease trap out. A 10-day follow up will be required.
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