710 James Robertson Parkway Nashville, TN 37243 | Visit Official Website (opens in a new tab)
Fin Fusion Sushi
Food Service Establishment Inspection | Routine
Observations & Corrective Actions
8: Sushi hand washing sink not accessible, sushi rice steamer pot and trash can stored directly in front of it. Not stocked with paper towels. Discussed the importance of hand washing sinks must be probably stocked and accessible at all times.
14: 3 comp sink was set up, however, there was no sanitizer reading. My reading was 0ppm. Corrected by discussing and having op drain and refill sanitizer well and obtain a reading of 100ppm of cl.
22: Both sushi rice pots did not have a time policy label on them. Also, discussed with op that their must be written procedure available or posted discussing their time policy with listed food products. Will assist op in creating written procedures.
23: Menus have consumer advisory on them, however, each listed food item that are served raw or undercooked, do not have associated consumer advisory asterisk labeled next to them.
37: Employee drink stored on sushi prep table. Employee cell phone stored on prep table.
39: Numerous wiping clothes left out on prep tables and sushi bar.
41: Rice scoop handle touching food product. Plastic cup with no handle being used as a scoop in flour.
Additional Comments
I will be back within 10 days for a follow-up inspection to verify all priority item violations have been fully corrected.
Discussed proper hand washing, ware washing, food source, food storage, holding and cook temps, cooling when applicable, employee hygiene, employee health, demonstration of knowledge, and storage and use of toxic items. Food Establishment Regulations can be found at https://publications.tnsosfiles.com/rules/1200/1200-23/1200-23-01.20150716.pdf. Please be sure you and all food handling employees are familiar with these regulations. Guidance/Educational documents can be found at https://www.tn.gov/health/health-program-areas/eh/eh-foodlaw.html. These are an excellent resource to help reduce the risk of a food borne illness. If you have any questions please do not hesitate to contact me.
Provided applicable fact sheet to operator regarding observed Priority Items.