710 James Robertson Parkway Nashville, TN 37243 | Visit Official Website (opens in a new tab)
Mckendree Towers
Food Service Establishment Inspection | Routine
Observations & Corrective Actions
6: Employee did not wash hands in between handling dirty dishes and clean dishes in dish area. CA: spoke with manager about retraining.
8: No paper towels at front handsink on cook line. CA: paper towels provided.
8: No paper towels at hand sink in dish hub. CA: paper towels provided.
11: Buttermilk is spoiled in reach in cooler with manufacturer’s date mark of October 17th. Date of opening unknown. CA: embargoed 12 lbs.
11: Several dented cans of different varieties stored next to good cans on rolling shelf. CA: embargoed 36 lbs.
13: Raw bagged chicken breasts stored next to a pan of raw ground beef chub in walk in cooler. CA: discussed correct hierarchy and had moved.
20: Cooked barbecue chicken at 50F in walk in cooler with 10/29 date mark. Unknown to PIC when placed in cooler. CA: embargoed.
21: Ultrapastuerized heavy whipping cream and half-and-half with manufacturer’s date mark of 10/2 and 9/28 respectively being held in reach in cooler as of 10/31. Half-and-half is exhibiting signs of spoilage. CA: embargoed 15 lbs.
34: No visible thermometer in ice cream freezer.
41: Ice cream scoop stored in container of standing water next to ice cream freezer.
42: Clean dishes being wet nested on drying shelf.
42: Cutting boards hanging with clean dishes are worn.
47: Seals for reach in cooler doors are black with built up debris.
47: Dirty fan guard on unit in walk in.
47: Extreme ice build up in ice cream freezer.
52: Dumpster doors open on both dumpsters.
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