710 James Robertson Parkway Nashville, TN 37243 | Visit Official Website (opens in a new tab)
Indian Hills Pool
Public Swimming Pools | Routine
Observations & Corrective Actions
6: White finish on the pool sides cracked throughout pool
*10: Depth markets ofn decking missing the unit of measurement next to the numbers.
*17: Contrats strips on steps entering the pools are extremely fadded - steps and pool bottom similar in color, contrast required.
20: Ph is above approved range
*21: Closed for an imminent health hazard of 0ppm free chlorine.
Tested 3 times using the DPD Taylor Test kit, each time reading 0ppm free chlorine. Additionally used precision chlorine strips and had a 0ppm reading, and tested the total chlorine of the pool inn the 3rd DPD test and the reading was also 0ppm.
Pool is to remain closed until treated and aftern a full turn-over cycle the free chrlorine still reads 0.5-3.0ppm, TDH is notified And a member of TDH returns to confrim reading and approved opening the pool. Closure sign posted at the main steps and patrons currently on site notified of the closure.
Additional Comments
Closed for an imminent health hazard of 0ppm free chlorine - see notes under #21 - Pool is to remain closed until treated and aftern a full turn-over cycle the free chrlorine still reads 0.5-3.0ppm, TDH is notified And a member of TDH returns to confrim reading and approved opening the pool. Closure sign posted at the main steps and patrons currently on site notified of the closure
A follow up is also due for items #10 and #17.
Verified the emergency phone worked. Verified underwater lighting works.