710 James Robertson Parkway Nashville, TN 37243 | Visit Official Website (opens in a new tab)
Johnny Haffner Catering
Food Service Establishment Inspection | Routine
Observations & Corrective Actions
11: 1200-23-01-.03(1) Dented can of cream of mushroom soup observed with metal touching metal on can rack. Corrective Action: Embargoed 1 lb.
13: 1200-23-01-.03(3)(b)1. Observed 3 containers of raw egg whites stored on top shelf of reach-in cooler 2 above charcuterie and deli meats. Corrective Action: Employee moved raw egg product to bottom shelf.
21: 1200-23-01-.03(5)(a)8.(i) Observed cream prepared on 9/28 in reach-in cooler 2.
21: 1200-23-01-.03(5)(a)7. Several cooked and prepared products (caesar dressing, combined soft cheeses) in reach-in cooler 1 and reach-in cooler 2 are not properly date marked. Opened container of spinach dip in 4-door reach-in cooler is not datemarked.
34: 1200-23-01-.04(2)(d)9. Visible thermometers missing in Frozen Foods freezers
35: 1200-23-01-.03(5)(a)7. White bulk container of white granules is missing label
36: 1200-23-01-.05(5)(k) Excessive amount of gnats in kitchen preparation area.
37: 1200-23-01-.03(3)(b)1. Employee open canned drink container in reach-in cooler 1. Cans stored on the floor in dry storage area. Several employee personal drinks without lid and straw stored on prep tables supplied with utensils and open bags of herbs
47: 1200-23-01-.04(6)(a)1.(iii) Excessive caked-on debris in microwave
53: 1200-23-01-.06(5)(a) Many ceiling tiles above grill and back freezers are missing browned, and water damaged.
57: 1200-32-01-.03(1) A “No Smoking” sign or the international symbol is not posted at every exterior entrance door.
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