710 James Robertson Parkway Nashville, TN 37243 | Visit Official Website (opens in a new tab)
Mar y Tierra Taqueria
Food Service Establishment Inspection | Routine
Observations & Corrective Actions
1: No ANSI certified pic present. Managerial control of kitchen and knowledge not present ss demonstarted by multiple priority violations. Provided training, will email fsct sheets in English and Spanish.
4: Observed employee eating food while at prep table and while entering wic. Employee stayed in wic for several minutes arranging food afterwards. All food and drink must be consumed in appropriate area, not in vicinity of food or food prep areas.
6: Observed employee eat food and return to working with food intended for customers without washing hands. Advised employee to wash hands, employee complied.
13: No splash guards on 3 comp sink. Sink is placed directly beside prep cooler, has no drain boards. Sanitize compartment is immediately beside and above prep cooler. Will return within 10 days to verify guards have been installed.
13: Pan of uncovered raw chicken stored directly above uncovered raw fish in wic. Advised pic to rearrange foods based oncproper hierarchy, pic obliged. Pic requested food storage poster, will email.
19: Pan of cooked beef stored on active prep table with no temp control, temps 109F. Tongs stored submerged in food as well. Employee stated food was cooked within past hour. Cos by pic reheating food to 165F on flat top before placing in steam well to hot hold. All hot tcs foods must be held at 135F or higher.
20: Upon arrival, observed bowl of salsa stored on prep table unattended, temp 46F. Cos by employee returning to temperature control. All cold tcs foods must be held at 41F or less.
21: Two pans of cooked chicken in wic have no date mark, were prepared more than 24 hours ago per pic. Cos by embargoing 15 lbs, discussed date marking. Will email fact sheet.
37: Food product stored directly on floor in wic. All food must be stored at least 6 inches above the ground.
41: Tongs stored submerged in pan of cooked beef. Hand contact part of utensil should not touch food.
46: Cl test strips available, but establishment using Qa to sanitize. No Qa test strips available.
53: Floors worn, concrete unfinished in places
Additional Comments
Provided training on test strips, cold and hot holding, and proper food storage. Will email fact sheets.
Follow up inspection will be performed within 10 days of initial inspection date to verify all priority violations have been corrected. Will verify wic is cooling properly and splash guards have been installed.