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East Nashville Magnet H.S.
School Buildings Inspection | Routine
Observations & Corrective Actions
4: Water fountain at staircase near room 406 is shooting water over basin
4: Water fountain in staircase across from room 208 jets water over basin
9: Handrail at middle staircase across from room 306 is loose
9: Handrail at bottom of leftside staircase going to cafeteria is loose
*11: Wires exposed at electrical box across fromroom306
13: Water leak coming from atmospheric Faucet at mopsink in janitor closet across from main office and next to men’s bathroom
*22: Principal and staff indicated that rats have been a problem all school year with rats being spotted in multiple classrooms
*22: Media center staff informed of wasps problems in media center
25: Ceiling of rear gym has water staining
25: Chipping and peeling of paint throughout school
26: Wooden floors of gym have buckled and raised causing damage to rear court
28: Window to the left of AC unit is cracked
30: AC in media center near librarian station is broken
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