710 James Robertson Parkway Nashville, TN 37243 | Visit Official Website (opens in a new tab)
China Wok
Food Service Establishment Inspection | Routine
Observations & Corrective Actions
1: No ANSI certified manager present. Lack of knowledge demonstrated by food protection practices and ware washing knowledge. Couple with several priority violations, control of kitchen not established. Will email fact sheets amd return within 10 days for follow up inspection.
13: Large pan of cooling noodles stored uncovered on counter next to 3 comp sink. Observed employee use hose to rinse off 3 comp sink and splash water near cooling noodles. Cos by advising employee to stop and relocate food, employee complied. Discussed protecting food appropriately.
13: Uncovered raw chicken stored agove uncovered raw beef and raw pork in wic. Cos by pic rearranging to comply with proper storage hierarchy. Will email food storage poster n
14: Neither pic nor employees able to describe proper warewashing process. Each stated washing and sanitizing procedure with no rinse. Cos by demonstrating proper 3 comp sink set up and using Spanish demo of knowledge fact sheet for reference. Sink was set up with 75ppm chlorine. Will email 3 comp sink poster and demo of knowledge fact sheet in Mandarin and Spanish.
20: All tcs food in small pc temps 45F or greater including raw shrimp, raw chicken, and shell eggs. Food was placed in small pc from wic within past 1.5 hours per employee and pic. Same foods temp 41F or less in wic. Ambient temp of small pc reading 45F on Thermapen. Cos by pic relocating tcs foods to wic to cool to 41F or less, will have small pc serviced. All non-cooling cold tcs foods holding at 41F or less.
20: Partially cooked chicken stored in big pc temps 47F. Pic stated it was previously prepped and frozen and stored in wic before being stored in big pc last night. All tcs food in wic and big pc temps 42F or less. Cos by embargoing 2 lbs. All non-cooling cold tcs foods holding at 41F or less.
39: Employee labeled nucket with lis “bleach water” and stated it was for wiping clothes. Solution reads leas than 25ppm cl, wiping cloth stored in solution.
41: Multiple plastic bowls with no handles stored in dry food product being used as scoops.
46: Establishment using red cap lids as drain stops for 3 comp sink. Employee found one drain stop new in packaging during inspection. Advised pic to acquire proper drain stops for 3 comp sink.
49: Water supply for urinal in unisex restroom leaking on top below handle and above toioet bowl
49: Right compartment on 3 comp sink linking from drain onto floor. Advised pic repair leak.
53: Flooring in ktichen cracked in places, dirty
53: Back door open but screen door closed to allow air flow in kitchen. Screen door screen is damaged and has gaps large enough to allow passage of pests into kitchen.
Additional Comments
Follow up inspection will be performed within 10 days of initial inspection date to verify all priority violations have been corrected.
Will email all applicable fact sheets in Mandarin and Spanish.