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Tennessee Department of Health
710 James Robertson Parkway Nashville, TN 37243 | Visit Official Website (opens in a new tab)

Precious in His Sight #2

4803 Buzzard Creek Rd. Cedar Hill, TN 37032

Child Care Facilities Inspection | Routine

April 5, 2023 | View Original Inspection PDF
Score & Grade: Approval Grade:
Observations & Corrective Actions

37: Potential tripping hazard present on parameters of play ground equipment

3: NA

Additional Comments

Playground grounds and equipment in good condition; fencing adequate; potential tripping hazard on parameters of equipment area.
2-4 YO Room - Room, Furniture, Supplies adequate and in good condition; sockets covered; chemicals and personal staff items stored properly; sink temp 107°
3-5 YO Room - RFS in good condition; sockets covered
1-2 YO Room - RFS in good condition; sockets covered; chemicals stored properly; sink temp 108°

37 Playgrounds free of hazards likely to cause falls
46 Compliance with TN Non-Smoker Protection Act
3 “No smoking” signs or the international “non-smoking” symbol are conspicuously posted at every entrance.