710 James Robertson Parkway Nashville, TN 37243 | Visit Official Website (opens in a new tab)
Country Inn & Suites
Public Swimming Pools | Routine
Observations & Corrective Actions
1: Bathroom door does not close even with force.
2: Fresh water tank on back of toilet is leaking and causing water to pool on the floor.
2: Freshwater leak coming from copper pipe next to flow rate indicator in pump room causing pooling of water in pump room.
6: Ceiling and vents are dripping water onto the floor throughout the pool room.
6: Wall next to pump room has water damage.
6: Mold like substance is observed on the ceiling above pool.
*8: Chemical storage room door is broken off the hinges leaving chemicals exposed to patrons .
*10: Entry door is not self latching .ca- Pool must stay closed until latch is fixed .
27: Water level is high Not allowing skimmer baskets to properly function .
Additional Comments
Pool must remain closed until main door latch is fixed and chemical storage room door is repaired .
Flow rate indicator at 45gpm. Minimum rate 85 gpm.