710 James Robertson Parkway Nashville, TN 37243 | Visit Official Website (opens in a new tab)
Camino Real #4
Food Service Establishment Inspection | Routine
Observations & Corrective Actions
1: Due to high amount of priority violations, managerial control of kitchen is not established. Will email operator applicable fact sheets and return for follow up insepction within 10 days.
7: Observed employee use ungloved hands to move stack of tortilla shells on make line. Discussed using gloves when working with ready to eat foods.
13: Observed pieces of raw chicken mixed in with raw beef in cooler drawer under. Pans are adjacent to one another in drawer. Embargoed 1 lb beef that was making contact or in close proximity to raw chicken, discussed keep raw foods separate based on final cook temp.
19: Cooked steak in pan on stove temped 105 F. Pic stated steak was cooked earlier today and placed on stove to keep hot. Embargoed 3 lbs.
19: Pan of beans in hot hold cabinet near wic temped 116 F. Pic stated beans were cooked this morning and rapidly cooled in wif. They were then warmed on stove and used to stock makeline; remnants were placed in hot hold cabinet to use as needed. Other tcs food in cabinet temped at least 135F. Embargoed 5 lbs of beans.
21: Observed pan of queso and pan of cooked corn tamales in right wic with date marks 8 days old (11/21). Embargoed 10 lbs and discussed using or discarding cooked or ready to eat foods within 7 days.
21: Small bucket of queso with no date mark in wic; pic did not know when it was prepared. Embargoed 5 lbs and discussed date marking cooked and opened ready to eat foods.
37: Metal pan of cooked beef stored in metal pan of cooked chicken. Beef pan was resting in the chicken. Discussed protecting food and preventing contamination by covering foods when stored.
42: Plates for customer food stored upright in stscks throughout kitchen on tables and prep surfaces. Discussed storing food contact surfaces inverted to prevent possible contamination.
Additional Comments
Will return for a follow-up inspection within 10 days from original inspection date. The focus will be on ensuring the priority violation(s) are corrected.
Emailing operator fact sheets in Spanish: democof knowledge, date marking, bare hand contact.