710 James Robertson Parkway Nashville, TN 37243 | Visit Official Website (opens in a new tab)
Country Inn & Suites
Public Swimming Pools | Routine
Observations & Corrective Actions
6: No access to pump room
*11: Pool light underneath handicap chair is out of housing and needs to be rehoused into wall
CA: work order places
*13: Bottom of pool has large hole with jagged edges
CA: will be back within 30 days to see of repaired.
*16: Retrieval line on ring buoy is damaged and not connected to buoy.
CS: buoy will be replaced or repaired.PIC didn’t receive email, will send report to updated email and extension granted for pool follow-up. Will be back before end of month to check on pool status
20: Ph is reading high at 8.2
26: Observed dirt and debris building up towards 5ft section of pool
Additional Comments
Pool closed due to multiple safety violations. Will be back to reopen pool once critical violations have been corrected
Emergency telephone is working however it has large amount of static for both caller and receiver. Phone is recommended to be serviced to reduce static