710 James Robertson Parkway Nashville, TN 37243 | Visit Official Website (opens in a new tab)
Hurt's Hot Chicken #2 MT#840
Food Service Establishment Inspection | Routine
Observations & Corrective Actions
1: Multiple priority violations observed, pic operating establishment with no running water available. Cos by field supervisor assisting on inspection, providing training. Operator unable to restore water flow and closed establishment.
6: No water under pressure available to either sink, no soap or paper towels provided at hand sink. Pic stated he could use soap water solution in 3 comp sink to wash hands. When asked to stock soap and paper towels at hand sink, it was discovered none were in establishment. Pic sent employee to get both, employee returned with soap and paper towels. Cos by pic ceasing operations due to inability to restore water under pressure. See additional comments for more info.
8: No running water available to hand washing sink. Several items stored in sink bowl preventing potential hand washing. No soap or paper towels stocked at hand sink. Cos pic sending employee to get hand soap and paper towels, clearing items from sink bowl, and ceasing operations due no running water. See additional comments.
13: Pans of raw fish and raw chicken stored uncovered and beside one another on counter throughout entirety of inspection. Food is being pulled from to cook and fill orders as needed. Cos by employee covering and storing in chest freezer, discussed properly protecting and cold holding food.
20: Open jug of ranch stored on top of fridge for entirety of inspection, temps 50F. Employee stated it uad just been placed there when asked how long ago it was placed there. Cos by pic returning to fridge.
26: Unlabeled spray bottle containing bubbly liquid stored hanging on shelf above 3 comp sink. Cos by pic labeling. All chemicals and toxic items must be properly stored; they must be properly labeled if removed from original container.
Violation has been observed during two consecutive routine inspections. A Food Safety Plan (FSP) template will be emailed to operator to use in gaining control over repeated priority violations. Will offer assistance to operator with FSP.
33: Frozen raw fish thawing on counter, being pulled from to fill orders.
46: No test strips available
48: No water available to sinks. Pic stated pump went out shortly before inspection began.
Additional Comments
Establishment had no running water at start of inspection. When operator informed, he stated pump had just gone out as he had run compartment of soap water before operating (observed soap water in comp). Informed operator that operations must cease due to imminent health hazard, operator continued taking and serving orders.
Called supervisor and requested assistance. Pic had called supervisor as well to explain situation while supervisor en route to establishment. Operator tried replacing water pump, briefly had running water before pump starting overheating. Operator suspended taking orders and went to nearby hardware store to buy new pump. Supervisor stated operator could continue operating if running water is restored, however pic unable to to do so and ceased operations.
Supervisor observed pic had placed order for replacement pump that was due to arrive tomorrow. Provided training and discussed correcting priority violations. Conducted follow up inspection as mobile unit operates irregularly.