710 James Robertson Parkway Nashville, TN 37243 | Visit Official Website (opens in a new tab)
Holiday Inn Express Hotel & Suites
Hotels Motels Inspection | Routine
Observations & Corrective Actions
*15: Spray bottles not labeled stored on table in housekeeping closet on 5th floor
35: Room 212 has rips/tears in window shade
36: Room 318 debris and sleep mask behind the first bed next to the couch
37: Room 318 has pink sticky substance smeared on wall next to window head board of the second bed
38: Storage closet on 3rd floor next to Room 323 and 320 needs to be cleaned and organized
44: Housekeeping storage closet has boxes of kcups for coffee and boxes of sugar packets stored on the floor housekeeping storage closet located on 2nd floor next to elevator and ice machine
Additional Comments
Rooms inspected 117 212 216 223 309 314 318 414 418 514 520
Room 314 has a used plastic cup lid on top of microwave
Room 314 has single use dental flosser under couch cushions