710 James Robertson Parkway Nashville, TN 37243 | Visit Official Website (opens in a new tab)
Willow Apartments
Public Swimming Pools | Routine
Observations & Corrective Actions
3: No soap in men’s or women's restroom
6: Excessive debris observed at bottom of pool
6: Drain on decking blocked causing pooling of water on pool deck at main gate.
6: Cracking in mortar between almost all coping stones around pool.
6: Cracking at top of tiles in pool
6: Grass growing in crack on pool decking
6: Flow rate indicator stuck
*10: Back gate not self closing and latching.
*10: Fence in back has broken bar allowing a gap larger than 6 inches.
*10: Main gate is not self- closing or self latching.
*15: No lifeline across 5ft marker on pool
*16: Ring buoy is in pool and is missing lifeline and lemon.
*16: No observed shepards crook on site.
*18: Kings 3 Emergency phone not operational
20: Ph low at 6.8
22: Chlorine level low at .5ppm
Additional Comments
Pool must close until all critical violations noted by an asterisk is repaird AND a MPHD employee has reinspected the pool. Pool chained on main gate and zip tied at back gate. Pool closed sign posted.
Cyanuric acid levels at 70ppm