710 James Robertson Parkway Nashville, TN 37243 | Visit Official Website (opens in a new tab)
Panaderia Paleteria La Michoacana Bakery
Food Service Establishment Inspection | Routine
Observations & Corrective Actions
1: Managerial control needs improvement throughout kitchen. Pic did not have any knowledge of basic food safety procedures. Will provide applicable fact sheets that discusses proper food temps and basic food safety knowledge.
2: No employee health policy available. Pic was unable to discuss reportable food illnesses and their symtoms. Will provide an employee fact sheet to post in spanish.
8: No paper towels available at hand washing sink near prep cooler. Also, no running water available at hand sink to wash hands. Pic stated they have to turn the water off because the 3 comp sink fauct leaks and runs continuously. Pic stated the plumber will be out this week to fix the 3 comp sink. This violation has been noted on 3 consecutive inspections. Permit could be up for revocation.
14: 3 comp sink was only set up to sanitize dishes, however, no sanitizer reading was available with my test strips. Discussed proper 3 comp set up and had pic reset sink to wash, rinse, and sanitize.
20: Numerous cartons of eggs sitting out unattended at room temp. Pic stated they have been sitting out since yesterday. Embargoed eggs. Discussed with pic they need to be within proper cold holding temp range or they can be put on a time policy. Pic is aware that i am available to assist with a time policy if they choose to do that for the eggs.
37: Cans of fruit stored directly on the floor under prep table. Discussed proper food storage.
37: Employee personal belongings and drinks stored on food prep tables and next to stored dried food items.
42: Basket utensils stored above 3 comp sink in poor condition.
46: No test strips available for 3 comp sink sanitizer
47: Large mixer is very dirty. Sides of cooking equipment and coolers are very dirty.
49: 3 compartment sink is broken and runs water continuously. Pic has been turing water off for the whole kitchen.
53: Floors and walla throughout kitchen are in poor repair.
56: Recent inspection not posted. 5/6/2021 inspection is posted.
Additional Comments
I will be back out for a follow-up inspection within 10 days to verify all priority item violations have been coorected.
Discussed implementing a Food Safety Plan in order to obtain active managerial control over repeated Priority Items. Advised operator I was available to asist with developing the FSP.
Discussed proper hand washing, ware washing, food source, food storage, holding and cook temps, cooling when applicable, employee hygiene, employee health, demonstration of knowledge, and storage and use of of toxic items. Food Establishment Regulations can be found at http://publications.tnsosfiles.com/rules/1200/1200-23-01.20150716.pdf. Please be sure you and all food handling employees are familiar with these regulations.
Will send appliable food safety facts in spanish for operator.