710 James Robertson Parkway Nashville, TN 37243 | Visit Official Website (opens in a new tab)
Southern Meadows Pool
Public Swimming Pools | Routine
Observations & Corrective Actions
*10: Unit of measurement (“ft”) is missing from a majority of the decking tiles. Will return anytime within 10 days from today to ensure the correction of the observed critical item violation A warning letter will be requested due to violation being noted on two consecutive routine inspections.
*17: Ladder closest to the ball feild/dog park is not properly anchored to the decking and can be lifter out of place. Will return anytime within 10 days from today to ensure the correction of the observed critical item violation A warning letter will be requested due to violation being noted on two consecutive routine inspections.
Additional Comments
Pool does not appear closed for the season, no signs posted, gates unlocked, and swimmer's items left throughout deck - routine completed
Will return anytime within 10 days from today to ensure the correction of the observed critical item violation
A warning letter will be requested due to violation # 10 and #17 being noted on two consecutive routine inspections. Due to reptative violations at the emd of season, this pool will need to be inspected prior to opening next season.
Verified underwater lighting works. Verified the emergency phone worked.