710 James Robertson Parkway Nashville, TN 37243 | Visit Official Website (opens in a new tab)
Weenie Fever Mobile Cart #
Food Service Establishment Inspection | Routine
Observations & Corrective Actions
2: Missing health policy.
14: No sanitizer stored on cart. Must either purchase or use chlorine, or quaternary ammonia/QT/stermine tablets to wash dishes. Corrective Action: employee purchased bleach to be used with cart. Person in charge states that there is no need for dish washing typically, as extra utensil are on cart in cases where utensils are soiled. Reviewed and discussed proper ware washing technique and steps. And ensuring that sanitizer is always available
34: 1200-23-01-.04(2)(d)9. No thermometer in combo fridge reach in freezer.
46: 1200-23-01-.04(5)(a) Missing tests strips.
55: Permit not posted or yet approved to open until this inspection
57: No tobacco products offered for sale.
Additional Comments
Cart approved. Due to lack of metro fire inspection this unit is only approved for current pre cooked product such as hot dogs, bread, chili, and cheese and other product allowed for push carts. Menu changes should be submitted for approval before being used. Reviewed proper sanitization of tanks monthly.
Food borne illness complaint answered during inspection. Facility does have active and used commissary with 975 Main st Citizens Kitchen, which was verified with management at citizens kitchen. Product is typically purchased for day of service. Chili, cheese and hot dogs are reheated and hot held on steam table for hot holding. Cannot determine reheating temperature due to no product at time of inspection; however pic knew reheating temperature requirement and hot holding temperature. Person in charge does stated that some product like chili is cooled and stored for service later. This is done by playing in pan in ice chest, where the food is immediately separated from unit and taken back to commissary for proper storage. Discussed requirement that this food must be reheated to proper 165 F if used again for hot holding. Discussed proper cooling requirements with person in charge. Probe thermometer on site, but missing cooler thermometer in freezer compartment of combination cooler. No test strips were on site as well. Reiterated proper ware washing and use for test strips to ensure proper sanitizer ion compliance.
Calculations for tanks
21 gallons fresh water capacity
31 gallons waste water capacity