419 E 7 St., Room 100, The Dalles, OR 97058 - Main (541) 506-2603Fax (541) 506-2601 | Visit Official Website (opens in a new tab)
Columbia Gorge Community College
Restaurant (51-150 seats) | Reinspection
Observations & Corrective Actions
3-101.11 VIOLATION OF SECTION 3-101.11 *PRIORITY* Food is unsafe, adulterated or not honestly presented, specifically:* a bag of potatoes located on the roller cart show signs of spoilage, including having mold, being mushy and shriveled and releasing a fragrance of being rotten.
Corrective Actions: REQUIRED CORRECTION: CORRECT IMMEDIATELY. Food shall be safe, unadulterated and honestly presented.
**When spoilage changes the characteristics including fragrance, taste, texture and appearance, the food is unfit for consumption.
3-501.17 VIOLATION OF SECTION 3-501.17 *PRIORITY FOUNDATION* Ready-to-eat food is not properly date-marked, specifically: **date marking is inconsistent throughout the kitchen specifically, a carton of milk had two dates 4/5 and 4/6; no date mark on sliced honey ham; no date mark on a tray of pork BBQ and a container of salsa date marked 3/22.
Corrective Actions: REQUIRED CORRECTION: CORRECT IMMEDIATELY. Refrigerated, ready-to-eat potentially hazardous food prepared in the food establishment and held for more than 24 hours must be marked with the date of preparation or consumption. Including the date of preparation, food shall be consumed within 7 days if stored at 41°F or less. Food that is frozen shall be marked to indicate the remaining days that the food may be kept once the product is thawed.
Action Taken: All food was properly date marked. Continue to train
and message to staff your date marking system to ensure consistency and continuity with staff.
4-302.12 VIOLATION OF SECTION 4-302.12 *PRIORITY FOUNDATION* Temperature measuring devices are not provided or readily accessible for checking food temperatures, specifically:**the person in charge was unable to locate a thermometer that could be used to test the corn/shrimp chowder.
Corrective Actions: REQUIRED CORRECTION: CORRECT IMMEDIATELY. Food temperature measuring devices shall be provided and readily accessible for use. At a minimum, a metal-stemmed temperature measuring device with a scale appropriate to the intended range of use shall be provided to take internal food temperatures. If thin foods such as meat patties and fish filets are cooked, a temperature measuring device that is designed to measure the temperature of thin masses shall be provided and accessible.
Action taken: a probe thermometer is present in the kitchen. Ensure all staff know its location and how to properly calibrate it.