2577 NE Courtney Dr., Bend, OR 97701 - Main (541) 322-7400 Fax (541) 322-7604 | Visit Official Website (opens in a new tab)
Rigoberto's Taco Shop (Redmond)
Restaurant (16-50 seats) | Semi-Annual
Observations & Corrective Actions
2-301.15 VIOLATION OF SECTION 2-301.15 *PRIORITY FOUNDATION* Food employees are not washing their hands in an approved handwashing sink, specifically: OBSERVED EMPLOYEES WASHING HANDS IN THREE COMPARTMENT SINK AND IN THE MOP SINK
Corrective Actions: REQUIRED CORRECTION: CORRECT IMMEDIATELY. Food employees shall clean their hands in a handwashing sink or approved automatic handwashing facility and may not clean their hands in a sink used for food preparation, or in a service sink or a curbed cleaning facility used for the disposal of mop water and similar liquid waste. Action Taken: SPOKE WITH EMPLOYEES ON WHERE TO WASH HANDS,
2-301.14 VIOLATION OF SECTION 2-301.14 *PRIORITY* Food employees are not washing their hands as often as necessary, specifically: OBSERVED EMPLOYEE CRACKING RAW EGGS AND WENT TO WORK WITH READY TO EAT FOOD WITH OUT WASHING HANDS.
Corrective Actions: REQUIRED CORRECTION: CORRECT IMMEDIATELY. Food employees must thoroughly wash their hands and exposed portions of their arms: 1) before beginning or returning to work; 2) after touching body parts other than clean hands and clean, exposed portions of arms; 3) after using the toilet room; 4) after caring for, or handling service or aquatic animals; 5) after coughing, sneezing, or using a handkerchief or disposable tissues; 6) after using tobacco, eating or drinking from inappropriate containers; 7) after handling soiled equipment or utensils; 8) immediately before engaging in food preparation in the food preparation area; 9) during food preparation, as often as necessary to remove soil and contamination and to prevent cross-contamination when changing tasks; 10) when switching between working with raw foods and working with ready-to-eat foods; 11) before donning gloves for working with food; or 12) after engaging in other activities that contaminate the hands. Action Taken: SPOKE WITH EMPLOYEES ABOUT WHEN WE NEED TO WASH HANDS.
3-304.15(B)(D)(E) VIOLATION OF SECTION 3-304.15(B)(D)(E) Gloves are not properly designed, specifically: OBSERVE THREE BOXES OF LATEX GLOVES
Corrective Actions: REQUIRED CORRECTION: Slash-resistant or cloth gloves must not be used in direct contact with food, unless the food will be subsequently cooked. The use of latex gloves is prohibited in food service establishments. GLOVES WERE DISCARDED
4-602.13 VIOLATION OF SECTION 4-602.13 Nonfood-contact surfaces are not cleaned at an adequate frequency, specifically: FAN GUARDS IN BOTH WALK IN ARE DIRTY
Corrective Actions: REQUIRED CORRECTION: Nonfood-contact surfaces of equipment shall be cleaned at a frequency necessary to preclude accumulation of soil residues. CLEAN AND MAINTAIN