2570 Riverside Parkway P.O. Box 897 Lawrenceville, GA 30046 | Visit Official Website (opens in a new tab)
Food | Required Additional Routine
Observations & Corrective Actions
1-2B: .03(3)(a)Facility does not have a certificate for certified food safety manager. Certificate that facility has posted is for food safety handler. // At least one employee that has supervisory and management responsibility and the authority to direct and control food preparation and service shall be a certified food safety manager who has shown proficiency of required information through passing a test that is part of an accredited program that conforms to the national standards for organizations that certify individuals. Certified Food Safety Managers must be designated to one food service establishment only and maintain and renew certification in accordance with the requirements of the examination taken. (Pf)
14B: .05(10)(e) 1,2,4Observed facility storing multiple containers as clean, stacked when still wet. // After cleaning and sanitizing, equipment and utensils:
1. Shall be air-dried or used after adequate draining before contact with food; (C) and
2. May not be cloth dried except that utensils that have been air-dried may be polished with cloths that are maintained clean and dry. (C)
Corrective Actions: Containers were separated and allowed to air dry. //
18: .07(2)(m)Observed back door to kitchen does not self-close. // Outer openings of a food service establishment shall be protected against the entry of insects and rodents by:
1) filling or closing holes and other gaps along floors, walls, and ceilings; (C)
2) closed, tight-fitting windows; (C) and
3) solid self-closing, tight-fitting doors. (C)
Additional Comments
All hot/cold holding temperatures were in compliance unless otherwise stated in temperature log.
NOTE: Facility uses additives - drink syrups.
NOTE: Ensure that floor drains are draining in a timely manner.
NOTE: Ensure that the dates on the permit are visible to public.
An informal inspection with occur within the next ten calendar days. If violations are not corrected, permit may be suspended.
Questions? Visit our website www.gnrhealth.com or call our office 770-963-5132.